2.2 x 1.6 x 0.3 m
2017 - 2020 Theanthric Combine Altarwork
There is a God, beckoning from atop the swaying vine. She is above and within the world, pouring it out as emerges from it. Her guts glimmer. Her tears as well.
There’s a lot of things going on, it’s a tragic mess, which may well come crashing down at any moment. Or.. it might just click into place, finally truly work, however impossible that ambition may seem. Ever incomplete, abandoned and resumed, re-imagined and reworked.
In the beginning Chaos. Delireal throw-up ex nihilo. And then Logos combs through the thicket. From Chaos to Order. Integration of image, texture and sculpture. A combine indeed, certainly not a painted sculpture. A baroque combine, that combines above as well as below, a theoanthropic combine.
EMMANACEA is an altarpiece for a church which does not yet exist. A church of the bleeding edge, of love, Truth, redemption and transfiguration. The Eternal Church. Ark Work. The Avant Garde Art Tradition. Apocalypse. As a part of Service, EMMANANCEA has video- and light-show elements and is, as an object, open, ever incomplete. The Church it is housed in is likewise not ever fully manifest. As such the work is temporal and unfolding: a series of Services - incomplete manifestations.. it leaves a trail. It’s a sprawling monstrous thing in which is suspended a freshwater pearl, a clear-glass prism, a monad, an Aleph.